Joy Kills Sorrow "Reservations"

It is a wonderful thing indeed, this communication that we humans do. Sometimes there are unspoken signals that you can pick up on, maybe not totally clear in your mind, but come away with that feeling that there is an underlying message that was indeed received. Without saying anything. Love that! Ah but sometimes it goes awry, sometimes the signals aren’t received or they are, and they are unwelcome. And just sometimes, there is just something that doesn’t feel right…reservations.

That’s today’s song “Reservations,” from the virtuoso Boston outfit Joy Kills Sorrow, who came to play for us during SXSW this past March. Music Fog was able to do a successful Kickstarter campaign to raise money to attend and webcast live from Threadgill’s WHQ for that event. Unfortunately, so far, this new Kickstarter campaign just isn’t working to raise the necessary funds to get us to Nashville for Americana Fest in September. We are sorry to come back to you, Dear Audience, for your support, by yourself, or for your company. The days are waning to contribute, and if we don’t make goal by our deadline, August 24, we won’t be attending to capture more amazing videos. Your pledge can be as little as $5. What is that, a McMeal? If you love our videos, we would sure appreciate your pledge.

So here you go, from Joy Kills Sorrow with the Music Fog version of “Reservations.” Emma Beaton – vocals, Bridget Kearney – bass,  Jacob Jolliff – mandolin, Wesley Corbett – banjo, and Matthew Arcara – guitar. The song is originally found on their This Unknown Science album. The band is doing a California run this week, so catch them if you can.

-Jessie Scott