Henry Wagons "The Gambler"

It was another stellar week at Threadgill’s for my School Night Sessions series. On Sunday night, it was a double bill, with Wildflowers – Ashley Monical and HalleyAnna Finlay’s kickass band, then James McMurtry’s son Curtis McMurtry brought the whole band...and that included 4 horns! Monday night it was the folk family; Carrie Elkin, Danny Schmidt, Anthony da Costa, Raina Rose and Andrew Pressman. And then Tuesday night, Adam Carroll and Owen Temple brought great songs, and wonderfully left of center raps. I delight in the diversity, and the quirky stories and songs, so playful and inventive.

Henry Wagons is a quirk specialist. We never quite know what he will do on stage with our props. Last year, when he had the whole band in town for SXSW® 2011, he mounted and RODE our piñata Esteban. This year during our Spring Music Fog Marathon at Threadgill’s, he was solo on stage. All eyes were on him, but we Foggers were nervous. What would he do this time? Our mascot piñata this year, Miguel, was eventually drop kicked off the stage by Henry, though, thankfully, he was still in one piece afterwards. Drama! Acting! Rumble, Shake, And Tumble is the latest Wagons album, and they are on tour in Canada and the US this summer. Do yourself a favor and go see them for a fun evening out. Here is Henry Wagons solo, with the Music Fog recording of “The Gambler,” a tune from The Rise & Fall Of Goodtown.

- Jessie Scott

The Gambler - The Rise and Fall of Goodtown