Ray Bonneville "Roll It Down"

Hope you had a good holiday yesterday. Back at the store? You are a brave soul! Me, I am appalled at how much I ate! You too? I am still SO full. 'Tis the season for overindulgence, indeed. Just in case you don't want to wait til January 1st to pull the trigger on your New Year's Resolution to lose weight and get in shape, we bring you an easy rocker, which is just perfect for warming up without hurting yourself too badly. The song is called "Roll It Down" from Ray Bonneville, and it offers the antidote, packed with evocative lyrics that remind us what is important.

Ray Bonneville takes you to the earthiest places. He is such a mirror of the New Orleans sounds he soaked up by living there in the '80s; funky groove meshed with the music he grew up with, blues and country. Roots resonates, it is ever alive, and Ray is a master. We dig back to last February in Memphis at the Folk Alliance for this recording of the title song from his 2003 album Roll It Down.

- Jessie Scott

Roll It Down - Roll It Down