Robert Earl Keen "Merry Christmas from the Family"

Oh Holy Night, O Christmas Day.

You might have noted in the past, we at Music Fog can turn on a dime, going from the sacred to the profane with whiplash speed. It's all good. Anyway, I figure there should be room for the span of all kinds of moments in our lives. And although we try to keep that serene 'real meaning of the holiday' feeling as long as we can, it is like trying to balance on one leg when you have been stopped by the cops, even if you haven't been indulging! Things can just go awry after a while. So here is hoping Christmas brings you pleasure from gifting, feasting and the making of new memories. And if you wind up with an overstuffed closet, an overstuffed belly, and an overstuffed headache the day after, we wish you Godspeed though the chaos. If you have chosen - or don't have a choice - to work today, or if you are donating your time to a food bank or to help others another way, we salute you. If you are serving our country and can't be home with your friends and family, we hold you dearest in our hearts and our prayers. We offer thanks for what you do humbly, knowing that is not nearly enough.

We revisit one of my favorites today. Robert Earl Keen is the Texas Music Pied Piper and National Treasure who appeals to the frat boy in us all. He is legend: a songwriter whose work runs the abovementioned gamut, from the sublime to the ridiculous, or from the sacred to the profane. He is a must see showman with a kick ass band.

O Merry Christmas from Music Fog. Wishing you tidings of comfort and joy, and an acceptable level of dysfunction, because remember, it could always be worse. O Robert Earl Keen. O Merry Christmas From The Family. O!

- Jessie Scott

Merry Christmas from the Family - No. 2 Live Dinner