Jon Dee Graham "Beautifully Broken"


There are touch stones that make you stop and take note, even when one is in pain. This weekend up in the Finger Lakes region of New York State, the colors co-mingled to glorious effect. This morning, I am up with the sunrise, heading into NYC for meetings. The streets of New. york are a contact sport, ready or not here I come. Over the last two weeks, I have been physical in a way that just doesn't exist in most cities. In New York, you walk, you take the stairs, you carry bags. Every night I feel like hamburger meat, but I am seeing results already; tighter, lighter, more energy. And, it is woven seamlessly into your life, plus it's free! 

Whatever your addictions, your bad habits, use this day to start a new cycle. It starts by simply mustering up the will to change. Get off the couch, come into the sunshine. Don't think you can't. Jon Dee Graham is here to tell you that you can, having dealt with addiction himself. He sings about it here, "Beautifully Broken," filmed during the 2011 Music Fog Marathon at Threadgill's WHQ in Austin.

-Jessie Scott