The first time I saw the name Carolyn Wonderland was on a Stubb’s marquee back when I first started going to SXSW. I would travel from gig to gig, sometimes only seeing one or two songs from an artist before I moved on to the next. I used to jump taxis, hitch rides, walk, pedicab, whatever it took to get to the next thing highlighted in yellow on my schedule. So I had plans, and didn’t detour to go see Carolyn play, though I was totally intrigued by her name. That year, back at work, I did some research. She is from Houston, she is an evocative guitar player, with an expressive voice. She is fun, she is serious, and she rocks. Now you know I like that.
© Todd V. WolfsonFour years ago, I had Carolyn come to Threadgill’s back room to tape an audio segment for X Country. I booked her back to back with Bonnie Bramlett (yes, of Delaney and Bonnie.) I don’t know if anything came out of that, but I wanted them to know about each other. Same thing with Joe Ely and Jason Eady that year, I booked them back to back, and that yielded some gigs for Jason to open for Joe. LOVE that! It was a joy and a pleasure to bring Carolyn Wonderland back this March, during the Music Fog Marathon at Threadgill’s. Carolyn is an Austin treasure, and always delivers an exceptional show. Also, a 'not to miss' is the Christmas show she does with Guy Forsyth, which, thankfully, was recorded and released last year under the title Fireside Songs For The Soul.
Today marks the release of Carolyn’s new album Peace Meal, her follow up to 2008’s album, Miss Understood. We go back a bit further for today’s song, which is from 2003’s Bloodless Revolution. Here is “Judgment Day Blues” with Cole El-Saleh and Rob Hooper.
-Jessie Scott