The Deep Dark Woods "Two Time Loser"

We live in the age of wonder, with our magic tablets, and our communication flying through the air. A couple of nights ago I watched Brandon Jenkins and his band perform via Skype™ from a club in San Antonio as I was ensconsed in the comfort of my gingham couch. At the same time, I was monitoring a gig in New York via text, and checking in with friends playing all over the country on Facebook. Action Central, from the comfort of one’s living room. Oh yes, it is pretty awe-inspiring to be so connected. I am struck again by the rootsiness of the music that I love, juxtaposed with this hi tech communication. Buddy Miller told me several years back that he was a beta tester for Pro Tools, which is the state of the art studio recording program. I found that kind of funny, that his earthy music was captured by 1 and 0s.

I am happy to have this window into the scene. Some news blip crossed my consciousness about The Deep Dark Woods, a band I love dearly. They are newly signed to Sugar Hill Records, and their debut CD on that label, The Place I Left Behind, will be out in the US this October. It was released in Canada at the beginning of the month. I have loved them since their 2007 CD Hang Me Oh Hang Me. There is something so haunting and spare, yet intricate and emotional about their music. I am delighted that goods things are happening for them. Catch them on the road. Here is the Music Fog recording of "Two Time Loser," with special guest Kendel Carson, filmed during the Music Fog Marathon at Threadgill’s during SXSW© music week 2010.

-Jessie Scott

Two Time Loser - Winter Hours