These are strange times, as we all grow apart, and live within our cliques, form like-minded culture groups and withdraw into our circles. It is with particular interest that I look at today’s hippies, bikers, rockabilly kids, Deadheads and the like. They all echo a lineage, and there forbearers were colorful, as are they. Enter Hipsters. The clothes, the haircuts, the progressive policies. The art and culture and contemplation of our crazy world. You might think they are slaves to fashion, but they hear an earlier calling.
In the growing world of hipsterism, we are accumulating quite a pantheon. Chris Scruggs was a hipster before the term was coined, I do believe. When I first met him he was a young’un in Nashville, and we were introduced by an unsung hero friend of mine, Greg Garing. The next time I saw Chris was at the XM Studios in DC, when he visited with BR549, and ripped it up. Then there was a performance for the Music Fog cameras during SXSW in 2010, where he solidified the vision and rocked the house. Let’s revisit that evening’s version of “Where The Wind Might Blow,” the original of which you can find on the Anthem album.
-Jessie Scott