11 Bones "Losers"

Eleven Bones is on a roll! Since we last checked in with Matt Skinner, Dub Miller, Meagan Jones, John Ross Silva, Brian Beken, and Adam Odor, they put out their first EP, Four Day March. The reviews continue to flow in, the requests for the band to come to play shows have been like the steady beat of a jungle drum. And Eleven Bones just celebrated their one year anniversary on July 19th. That's when the bones began to break. Yes, they really did...literally!

I called Adam Odor to get an update, he checking in with "Giving you the lowdown on the hoedown!" He went on to tell us that things are going great, though they don't have any shows booked for August. They have, however, been in the studio, where they just tracked a couple of new tunes. This time they are working on doing a full length LP, not just an EP. Adam says, "We've been writing alone, and together, playing the songs for each other over the past couple of months. The last couple of shows we've been doing some new tunes on stage." Adam continues, "When part of Eleven Bones was on the John Dickson cruise (thebigmusiccruise.com), we played with Matt King and The Cutters - as the Bone-Cutters." So on July 8th the Bone-Cutters played in conjunction with Tito's Vodka, Gibson Austin and the Grammy Foundation, which was designated a Grammy Foundation benefit, and a kick ass night of music, I might add.

Look for Eleven Bones to hit the road again, as September is starting to book up, and also look for some live tunes for free download to be posted to their website soon, if you sign up on their mailing list. Oh, and look for a cool video right now from their Threadgill's Music Fog showcase during SXSW 2010. "Losers."

- Jessie Scott
