Chris Berardo & The DesBerardos "So Good, So Far"

I have been searching on the web for hours trying to find some info on Chris Berardo's early days, but to no avail. It's all hidden in the mist, but what I seem to remember from our barroom conversations over brown liquor is that Chris had a whirl in the major label vortex some years back. He is still carrying on, having left the dinosaur world for the new day of the indie. He comes from a town in Connecticut (Silvermine) that I never heard of before, and I was a neighbor! I promise I will take notes next time we go drinking.

Chris Berardo and The DesBerardos have had road dog fever, headlining shows and opening for some legendary bands along the way. Their music is anchored in the loam of Rock, Roots, Pop, and Country. Hell Yeah! His is a voice that's soars with the wingspan of the eagle. It's all the sensibility of the Pure Prairie League, Poco, New Riders vibe, with a sense of the 'right here, right now.' Sky and earth.

Chris came to visit us at Threadgill's during SXSW this past March. He brought along a stripped down aggregation of backup band The DesBerardos, including his brother Marc Douglas Berardo on acoustic and vocals and Jeremy Simmons on electric guitar. This song, "So Good, So Far," comes from the 2007 release Ignoring All The Warning Signs. It is a bit of philosophy for us all to remember: savor the now; it doesn't take any more energy to be kind; understand that you are all that has come before this moment; and that music can be the magic elixir that helps.

- Jessie Scott

Chris Berardo & The DesBerardos - Ignoring All the Warning Signs - So Good, So Far