Griffin House - "Rule This World"

There are still some places left on earth that are not super served by modern communication in all its glory. We have been on site at the Cherokee Creek Music Festival in Cherokee, TX, for a beautiful weekend of unplugging. Talking to each other, sharing the experience, sharing the music, which, by the way WASN’T unplugged. The sound was awesome under the big tent, as we were entertained by a stellar lineup. We are sorry we haven’t posted more from here, but connectivity was an issue. Imagine if you will a day that lasts until 3 am recording and editing, and then a morning wake up for a 25 mile drive to Llano, where we would “appropriate” wi-fi from somewhere in town so we could post a video to the Music Fog site.

We filmed David Jacobs-Strain, Dustin Welch, John Fullbright, Sam Baker, Griffin House, Kevin Welch, subdudes, Paul Thorn, Stonehoney, and Jimmy Lafave. In the next days and weeks, we will be bringing you videos from these sessions. Yes, there were more artists here, some that we didn’t get to record...but there is always next time! A word about Jimmy Lafave. He is a visionary and bridge builder. He looks to bring people together who love music with integrity, and had a hand in the crafting of the lineup. Thanks to Fred, Mark, and Kelcy from Music Road Records for making us welcome! This was a sweet retreat, indeed.

We met Griffin House yesterday. Watching him play in the front lounge of our bus recalled the years many artists spend behind closed doors, in solitude in their bedroom or basement: songwriting, rehearsing, playing for the sheer love of it. When artists become sure of their path, and start performing their music for other people, WE love being to amplify it. His new album The Learner comes out on June 22nd. This song, featured on that album, is so quiet and gentle, it brings you to that moment in the stillness of night, behind closed doors, translating thought and feeling into song. Griffin House, drink it in.

- Jessie Scott

Griffin House