Joe Ely "It's a Little Like Love"

The second day of Music Fog showcases came upon us way too early, and after working too late on too little sleep. We were all a bit bleary eyed when we got to Threadgill's. The doors opened at 11 am, and a crowd collectively marched into to the back room and sat down, filling all the tables! Wow. We were treated to amazing performances by Luke Doucet and Melissa McClelland, then Kasey Anderson, Ray Wylie Hubbard, Gurf Morlix, and Joe Ely. And the room just kept filling. Then there was a gaggle of people listening outside our room as they gathered by the doorways and partitions, plus a slew of people sitting on the floor at the foot of the stage. And when Ely entered and stepped on, it was to thunderous applause. He said he was not around much for SXSW this year. I am not certain how many performances he made, I only know we are so honored that he graced the Music Fog stage! Here is the first song he did for us, "It's a Little Like Love."


Joe Ely - Twistin' in the Wind - It's a Little Like Love
