Shinyribs "Who Built the Moon"

A plea for sanity. We are all Americans, and our country is in trouble. We need jobs, a cohesive vision to create the industries that will take us into the future. We need to reduce the debt. We desperately need campaign reform. How about offering media advertising free to candidates, so they wouldn't have to be paid for by raising money from special interests. And remember Equal Time, and the Fairness Doctrine.

And don't forget that we are not alone in the world, there are countries who are better educating their children, and creating the jobs of tomorrow. We must be better equipped to answer these challenges. I have to say that our "Pursuit of Happiness" seems to be the only thing on the mind of many folks. With freedom comes responsibility. Why the rant? Because we are posting a Shinyribs video today, that speaks to me about the grandeur of setting one's sights high. After all we are the country that put men on the moon!

Photo Credit: Joe WinstonShinyribs is fronted by Kevin 'Shinyribs' Russell. He was born in Beaumont, Texas and raised in The Church of Christ, but found himself at 17 in Louisiana biker bars playing a hybrid of loud country, blues, rock, and psychedelic swamp. Kevin formed The Gourds in 1994 and they have been cranking for over 15 years. Only problem was Kevin was writing so much, he needed another outlet, so he started doing solo shows under the pseudonym Shinyribs in 2006. And that evolved into the current band; Gourd drummer Keith Langford, Cerebral Pony bass man Jeff Brown, and Kentucky Fried keyboard whiz Winfield Cheek. Shinyribs put out Well After Awhile in June, produced by Kevin and his long time friend George Reiff. There are guest appearances by Ray Wylie Hubbard, Mark Rubin, Scrappy Judd Newcomb, Michael Fracasso, Phoebe Hunt and more. There is such a lovely, and yes zany, connect-the-dots quality to this song. Let's build something great America. "Who Built The Moon," from our SXSW 2010 shoot at Threadgill's South in Austin.

- Jessie Scott

Who Built the Moon - Well After Awhile