Ray Wylie Hubbard "Drunken Poet's Dream"

Our good buddy and renaissance man Ray Wylie Hubbard is at it again! He came by the living room bunker this afternoon, and listened to Todd Snider sing, then took his turn at the mic.

Always an auspicious event, this time around made more so as his brand new album A. Enlightenment B. Endarkenment (Hint: There Is No C) is about to be released on Tuesday, January 12th. One wonders how this album will come to be referred to in the future. Hell, the punctuation alone is enough to send masters students a scurrying! And catching up with Ray is a trip anyway! He always has interesting things going on...like the movie "Last Rites Of Ransom Pride," which is being talked about on the web, and be sure to check out whokilledthedwarf.com. And then there is a T-Shirt made special for MusicFest, "I partied my head off with Ray Wylie Hubbard." And there is always news of Ray and Judy's son Lucas, who is becoming quite the tasty lead guitarist, and we hear might be readying an album himself in the not too distant future. We can't wait!

From Ray's brand new CD, here is "Drunken Poet's Dream," co-written by Hayes Carll (you might already be familiar with his version) and Ray...here 'tis!


Ray Wylie Hubbard
