Walt Wilkins & The Mystiqueros "Trains I've Missed"
"It's a big ole world but I found my way and the hell and the hurt led me straight to this..." - Walt Wilkins
A few years ago I went through a "dark period" and would have given pretty much anything to change the circumstances of my life. As time went by and the wounds began to heal I slowly realized how different my life would have been, and wondered if I really would have been happy. Right now I can honestly say, thank goodness the past can't change.
Walt Wilkins & The Mystiqueros kicked off the Music Fog showcase at SXSW opening with "Trains I've Missed". Unbelievably perfect in my mind. SXSW was the beginning of a whole new world for me and I hope everyone has a moment like that in their life. I was able to finally let go, move on, and I have never been happier. Everyone has to miss a train sometime and eventually you will get where you are supposed to go. You can play the "could'a should'a would'a" game all day long but at the end of the day all you are left with is what really happened, and how you choose to keep on living.
- Sheila -