Video Geeks, YouTube, and You!

A lot of video geeks out there wonder why we use YouTube as our method of online video distribution. They say things like, "That's TERRIBLE! They crush your video down to nothing! Use Vimeo instead! Idiots..." Seriously, we've heard this.

Our answer is simple: go to where the people are. While Vimeo is of higher quality, well, a vast majority of it's small audience are video geeks sharing their videos with other video geeks. At the end of the day, we want to put these great artists in front of the largest audience possible, and right now, that's YouTube. 

Anyway, YouTube is constantly tweaking their digital "stuff" and it looks like they'll be switching to completely new profile pages soon. Another thing we've discovered is custom video players, and we thought a test would be in order. 

The player below is a playlist of our "Completely Random Videos." Enjoy!

-Ben Krech