-Jessie 1. The Rose Hotel - breezy, vintage REK 2. Flyin' Shoes - lovingly, faithfully delivered Townes tune 3. Throwin' Rocks - got yer bad ass blues right heah 4. 10,000 Chinese Walk Into A Bar - take a joke line, turn it into a kaleidoscope of visuals 5. Something I Do - reggae tinged resignation 6. The Man Behind The Drums - sweet homage to Mr. Helm 11. Wireless In Heaven - old school vibe meets cutting edge clever I owe a debt of gratitude to Robert Earl Keen. No, it's not what you think; his fearless leadership in the Texas Music movement by walking the path, showing the way. Nor is it for introducing me to Reckless Kelly when I was at Gavin and countless other artists. Robert is an inspired voice for the common good. But it is not that either. It is for branding his radio show The Texas Uprising, and bringing it to us at X Country...REK graciously allowing us an insight into the camraderie of his world. The Rose Hotel is the latest incarnation. Produced by Lloyd Maines, with an endearing and massively talented cast of characters, Robert Earl makes it look easy. Here are some highlight tracks.