Chuck Mead "Let Jesus Make You Breakfast"

Chuck Mead Chuck Mead came on the bus late on the last day of shooting. There was a woman who had also joined us and claimed to be his neighbor. She told the story of how everybody in the neighborhood would grab their children when Chuck decided it was time to mow the lawn. I wondered if it was because he mows shirtless. Chuck said that neighbors "grabbed their children in fear" because his mower technique was a bit "nontraditional."

When I began to sling a camera about the room, Chuck started to work the lens and play to the camera. I told him this wasn't Hee Haw, and mugging the camera would only alienate viewers of Music Fog. Chuck told me he was "old school" and learned from the best. There was friendly banter about when I would start or stop rolling. I told Chuck that every time he mugged the lens I would fine him $10. He thought that was fair.

This song cost Chuck Mead $10.00. It is really the first money Music Fog has ever made.

God bless you Chuck Mead.


BR5-49 - Dog Days - Let Jesus Make You Breakfast