Uncle Lucius "No Time Flat"

It is one week out from our Music Fog Marathon, presented by Neustar. Yes, we welcome a brand new sponsor to this event and into the Music Fog family. We are so happy to be working with them. They’re the guys who make it possible for you to keep your own phone number when you change carriers, like from AT&T to Verizon, or from Sprint to T-Mobile. They also are the folks who are making digital downloads of movies work through something called UltraViolet (think one giant leap from Blu-ray). And they pretty much make our phones and the Internet work, but for the most part no-one’s ever heard of them because they keep a pretty low profile. We’re glad they chose to raise it a little bit by helping us out during SXSW® Music week.

It is so hard to believe another episode is just about upon us. I am not ready. What’s more, the MF crew in DC is scrambling to make the necessary prep to head to Texas again. Aaron, Beans and Chris are traveling in the BBC (Big Blue Crew), which we suspect knows the way all by itself by now. Ah, but it would be great to have a smart car that you could set to take you to your destination and just go. One that would just deliver you like a magic carpet. You could sleep, eat, have animated discussions, hell, you could even produce videos during the trip. I like that! Oh yeah, and can we make it a hover craft? A girl can dream after all. At the end of the day, it is all about using the time wisely. All I know is that everything seems to be speeding by, passing quickly as our music marathon will be here, and then we will be done and the guys gone in the blink of an eye. Uncle Lucius, who we will be catching up with again next week, comments in song. From our Music Fog Steamboat sessions in January at The MusicFest, we bring you another unreleased song, “No Time Flat.”

- Jessie Scott

Uncle Lucius