Bonnie Bishop "Everytime You Come Around"

The last time we recorded with Bonnie it was at one of her concerts. This time around we wrangled the uniqueness of a private Music Fog session, which we find becomes a very intimate experience for you, the viewer, since the artist is just living in the moment of the song---no other worries. Bonnie Bishop is savoring every moment in this recording, and adds a wonderful dynamic by having Michael Webb play accordion for this tune. If you enjoy this cut, pick up the's an incredible album closer to Things I Know.

Today is Groundhog Day and Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow; six more weeks of winter. So, enjoy this tune of summer memories, past and future, until it's time to come back around. "We'll meet you at the gates of town..."


Bonnie Bishop - Things I Know - Everytime You Come Around