Music Fog

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Kalen Nash "Ramona"

What would you do if you only had power for one more hour? We are talking techy here, not rhetorically. When I am on the road, I am especially careful to gather my electronics and their respective cords before I move on to the next place. So it pains me to note that I left my laptop power cord out at KDRP on Tuesday afternoon, before heading out to my Threadgill's show with Jackson Parten opening for Little Brave.  Great show, by the way. I love having a new crop of talented artists to showcase. I don't know whether to go to Best Buy to see about getting a second power cord, or driving back out to Dripping Springs to get the first one. Alright, a drive it is then.

Today's Music Fog entry is from Kalen Nash, one of the members of the southern rock quintet Ponderosa. His new solo album is called Ukred, and it was released on Tuesday.

That isn't to say that he has left Ponderosa, and the good news is there is a new album ahead from the roadhouse rockers, too. Doing a solo album was a way for Kalen to stretch out and try some different things. To wit, here is the song, recorded during the Spring Music Fog Marathon at Threadgill's WHQ in Austin. In March.

-- Jessie Scott

Ramona - Urked