Scott Miller "Lo Siento, Spanishburg WVa"
Scott Miller is in the Music Fog spotlight, as today marks the release of his new five song EP CoDependents. Scott has always written from a keen sociological and historical perspective, and there is a bit of mystery to solve regarding the song “Lo Siento, Spanishburg WVa.” I did some digging on the town, which I had never heard of, and it turns out it is considered one of the most beautiful places in West Virginia. Scott surmises that it will soon be impossible for the townspeople who have spent generations there, to continue to afford to live there. I found a pretty cool history from 1927 about Spanishburg on the WIKI. I checked the Zillow for real estate, and there is an interesting “spread” to the purchase prices.
Scott Miller & Rayna Gellert met at West Virginia's Mountain Stage last year. They quickly became friends and have occasionally performed together since then. Here is a head’s up that there are some East Coast dates on tap. Also, look for Scott to appear on the Music Voyager show on PBS/APT. He is in the upcoming episode “East Tennessee” will air early this month. Oh yeah, and one more thing, lately, we have hit a spate of “language” on some of the videos we have featured. This is your head’s up to listen on earbuds if you are in the office or have the kids around, as the chorus is a tad, ahem, provocative. I was kind of humming along, when I realized what they were singing….. all y’all.
-Jessie Scott