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The Pear Ratz "Ozona"

I can’t stress how important it is to give back. After a life in the workaday world, the things that seem to recur with frequency these days are benefits and non-commercial enterprises. I am a proud member of two of them, The Americana Music Association and Leadership Music. Of late, there have been plenty of things to raise money for, with the natural calamities especially rife of late. Also, there are so many worthy things to donate your time to; boys and girls clubs, sports teams, houses of worship, doing cleanup in your community. It is all about helping those less fortunate with your time, your money, or your concern. Giving back feels good.

Tonight I am involved in a benefit to raise money for the Wounded Warriors. I see so many military folks in my travels these days, and always hope that a good life awaits them when they are done with their service to our country. Tonight, The Pear Ratz, a band I used to play on X Country back in my XM days, are doing a benefit to raise money for them. I am going to be facilitating a video stream, as it is being filmed for DVD release by Jeff Horny and his crew, and the audio is being captured by Adam Odor. Check it out tonight on the Pear Ratz site.

Here is a video that Jeff did for them in 2010, “Ozona,” which I especially love for the desert vistas.

-Jessie Scott