Will Hoge "When I Get My Wings"
I like how we call it "shameless self pimping," but I was scrolling through old emails, and one caught my eye. I wrote to a friend when Music Fog hit its first million views, the date was July 4th, 2010. Just a few days ago, on November 2nd, we hit six million views on YouTube. Which means that in the last year and five months we have added five million views. Now that might not seem like much in these viral days when a cute kitten or puppy can gather millions of views seemingly overnight...awwww. But when you think about it, six million views is pretty substantial for the Americana genre, which in general gets very little mainstream attention. We like to keep it real here. We ask that if you like what you see, that you turn someone on to us. Oh yeah, and we ask that if you like what you hear, you might just like to have 12 of our hand curated tracks, audio only, on your iPod. Who’s First? is our first ever compilation, and you can buy it here (highest quality) or on iTunes, whatever is your pleasure.
I can tell you that assembling these artists and this music is a total labor of love. It has been the focus of my career for the last fifteen years, and it sustains me, nourishes me, in a way that mainstream music doesn’t quite. Here is why: these are real talents singing real songs. They would do so whether there was a microphone in front of their faces or not. I am very glad we were on site to provide our best technology for the Will Hoge session, though, during our Fall Marathon at Marathon Recorders in Nashville. This is a song that speaks to commitment and love, while it attests to the powerful and soaring voice of Will Hoge. The version from his brand new album Number Seven is mighty tasty. This right here is why we do it. Here is the Music Fog version of “When I Get My Wings” filmed last month, at Americana Fest. Solo Will Hoge. Immaculate.
-Jessie Scott