Music Fog

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The Chapin Sisters "Palm Tree"

Nashville, Americana Fest 2011 is now a memory. The Foggers were behind closed doors, and I think the final count of artists we filmed was 33. Truth be told, we were asked to do a lot more than that, but plumb ran out of time and energy. We finished each day by grabbing some dinner, going back to our hotel rooms and crashed out. We didn’t party, we didn’t attend any official gatherings, we just worked. But when one’s work is such a joy, it is a small price to pay. For our Fall Music Fog Marathon, we were ensconsed at Marathon Recorders in Nashville, thanks to Kathy and Mike Ketchell. They made us feel mighty welcome, and we were able to use their Miktek microphones for our sessions. We loved working with their crew, Chris Woods, Jamison Haggard, Tim Holt, and Shannon Rhoades. The studio was a welcoming place with a great vibe. In upcoming weeks, we will be bringing you videos we shot there, from sessions that you were able to see in their entirety, as we presented it all on Livestream.

The last night of Americana Fest I finally made the rounds and saw lots of friends around the Sheraton Hotel and assorted clubs. Highlights included sets from The Deep Dark Woods, Amy Speace, Raul Malo, Garland Jeffries, James McMurtry and Bobby Keys and the Suffering Bastards. There were an array of clubs; Third and Lindsley which has undergone an expansion and is quite an amazing room, The Basement, The Mercy Lounge, and even a party at The Hard Rock Café on the balcony of the second floor. Good to be back in Nashville, good to broadcast the Americana Honors and Awards show for Folk Alley (where it is archived) and NPR All in all, it was great to be celebrating Americana Music. The guys are driving, and we are flying. We will be bringing you videos soon. Meantime, Adios from Nashville. Adios from the Americana Music Association’s Americana Fest. So we are back at it, getting back to normal. Sorting, archiving and getting ready to present our latest stuff. But in the meantime, we bring you a video today from Threadgill’s in March from the Chapin Sisters. They are playing tonight at mood indigo's 2nd Annual CMJ Music Marathon showcase at The Living Room from 9 pm – midnight, along with Tai Burnette, Kaiser Cartel, and Rebecca Loebe. Theirs is a song of longing, “Palm Tree,” that Music Fog captured during SXSW 2011.

-Jessie Scott