Music Fog

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Telluriding 2

This is one cool town! Lots of handmade, homemade, and arty things in the shops. There are a surprising lack of the chain stores that populate every town in America. I am hunting a CVS but have yet to see one. Telluride has a strange undercurrent, that is, we think the DOGS are really running this town. They are everywhere, small and large, and they all carry an air of entitlement. They let you check out free pink bicycles at the library. Then there are these weird cans of oxygen, which I was happy to pass around with Amanda Shires and Stacey Earle. It was almost as if we were passing a joint.

We see five year olds on the loose with hundred dollar bills buying Rocky Road, cause life is rough, and ice cream ALWAYS makes it better. There is a "FREE STUFF" cubby hole on the street corner, akin to what you would have found in a kindergarten classroom, and people were rummaging in it. What? - you come here on vacation and scuttle your stuff, so you can buy more? WTF????

We are not here on vacation. Beans and I are here to bring you coverage from the Americana Music Weekend, and SHEILA has joined us! Yay! Beans gave her a quick lesson on Camera 2 yesterday, and she performed brilliantly. Last night at the Sheridan Opera House, which is 100 years old, and like being inside a Whitman's Sampler Box, was Jason Eady and then Band Of Heathens. Tonight is Sam Baker and Joe Ely. A couple of nights ago there was a song swap from Amanda Shires & Rod Picott and Stacey Earle & Mark Stuart. They were magical together. Lots of fun and welcoming on stage with one another and the audience. We have a Mark Stuart blues tune for you now, "Gonna Love Me Someday." Life is TOUGH!

-Jessie Scott
