Music Fog

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Welcoming Sheila Into "The Fog"

The Music Fog crew has scored a free gopher...errr...Production Assistant (as I'm sure it will appear on her future resume) for our upcoming coverage of SXSW March 18-22. Please, join us in welcoming Sheila to "The Fog."

Sheila hails from the great state of Idaho and is currently wrapping up her college education at the legendary Boise State University. She's got a solid GPA, good communication skills, and appears to be free of any airborne illnesses (like bird flu!). But what really got us excited about working with her is her initiative. Let me explain...

Beans and I met her briefly at MusicFest in Steamboat a few months ago...she was the fan who responded to our Tweet and got to participate in the "Gondola Concert Series" with Paula Nelson and George Devore (Sheila appears in Part 1 of the video below). She showed up early for the event --which is rare-- and sat quietly throughout the whole ride, being respectful of the artists, and of our crappy jokes. Last week, I got an email from Sheila. Something happened to her on that gondola, as this is part of what she had to say:

"What I really want to do is get involved with the events. Planning,
coordinating etc., pretty much anything that creates the best
experience out there for fans. Being on the other side makes me really
appreciate what companies like Dickson Productions (and Music Fog!) do, and it's
something I would really like to be a part of."

Wow...a kid who shows up early, has a good attitude, and can put together a sentence with proper punctuation? You're hired...

Welcome to Music Fog, Sheila! See you in Austin.

-Ben Krech

[P.S. You can follow Sheila on Twitter, as I'm sure she'll be providing her own inside perspective on the SXSW experience. In the spirit of full disclosure, I've told her she can Tweet whatever she wants, without boundaries. She can even throw us under the bus if needed!]