Robert Ellis "Friends Like Those"

Wowie zowie, Music Fog is about to hit 15 million views on our YouTube Channel. We do over 500,000 views every month, as people tell people and virally spread the word. We love the role of curator, providing an opportunity to reach Roots Music lovers worldwide. There are a couple of things you need to know. We all have fulltime jobs outside of Music Fog, because it has never sustained us financially. So requests for us to show up in different cities to video your band are unlikely to happen. We are an enigma. We don’t live in Texas or Nashville; we don’t even live in the same city as each other. So to get us all together for an event requires some planning and some cash, for that matter. We were self-funded while we could do that with our XM severance pay, but that is long gone. We hope that we can find funding for the Americana Music Association Conference and Festival in September, but I ain’t holding my breath. Sponsorships are hard to find, and most of the artists we would want to film don’t have budgets for these kinds of things, as they are mostly just scraping by themselves. That said, maybe a coalition of the willing could be formed. BTW, we won’t do another Kickstarter campaign to get it done.

The video today is from Robert Ellis, recorded in Nashville during Americana Fest 2011. “Friends Like Those” has a particularly poignant message, especially as we lead such mobile lives these days. Thankfully there are ways to stay in touch that make it easier to bridge the miles, but there is nothing that can compare to being together. Big news from Robert’s camp is that he is working on the follow up to the 2011 Photographs album, where you will find this song. He is steeped in the old school tradition, especially when he is solo, but you owe it to yourself to see him with his band, as it becomes an altogether different vibe. Great musicianship, great songs, great voice. Here is Robert Ellis with the Music Fog video of “Friends Like Those.”

-Jessie Scott

Elephant Revival "Ancient Sea"

Hope you had a spectacular holiday. Me, I am sitting in the airport in NOLA, wondering if I will make it all the way back to NYC because of the storms and the attendant airport delays. I feel so sorry for the folks impacted by the tornado breakout in the South, tragic, especially on Christmas Day.

Today, we have something filmed at the Americana Music Fest 2011, from the amazing Elephant Revival. BTW, they have a brand new EP out. The song we bring you is the Music Fog recording of "Ancient Sea." Timeless music, perfect for the days after, and the days to come.

-Jessie Scott

Lake Street Dive "Got Me Fooled"

From here on my perch in New Jersey, the destruction that Sandy left behind is surreal. We still have no power at the house, so I sleep with many layers on, plus with my hooded jacket. I am thankful that it wasn't worse in my neighborhood. Some fared better, and tragically, some lost everything. I do have power at work, so it is possible to get some things done. It is remarkable how important having a charge for your phone is. The power strip has become king. Last night I waited on a gas line for an hour, only to have them run out before I got there. I can't wait til I can do the laundry again!

So I have the blues, along with all the other folks in the huge swath that Sandy cut. As life slowly returns to normal, I figured it would be soothing to hear a bluesy number today from Lake Street Dive doing the ultimate cold shoulder tune, “Got Me Fooled.” The band entered the studio mid-month in Maine to record their next album. They are as off the grid as you can get while they explore the creative process, and we can’t wait to hear what they lay down. We bring you a track from their self-titled album, done up Music Fog style from our Fall Marathon last year during Americana Fest in Nashville at Marathon Recorders.

Jessie Scott