James McMurtry "Peter Pan"

Peter Pan is still one of my favorite childhood tales. 'I'll never grow up. I'll visit the wondrous Never Never Land of the fantabulous for unimaginable adventures. I'll take my gang with me, and we can be together forever with no parental supervision.' These are all potent images. Easy to dream of it, hard to actualize, and as my mother told me countless times, moderation in all things is the best policy. And also, she said be careful what you wish for. We Baby Boomers may just be the ultimate Peter Pan generation. We defy the conventional sedentary wisdom of old. We want to rewrite the book, turn back the clock, keep on truckin'. I heard today that venereal disease is on the uptick for the Viagra Generation. Maybe pharmacies should dispense dual prescriptions! Whatever, all I can tell you is our ways are embedded. We are what we are. I used to want to have a sticker on my rear bumper that would read "Victim Of A Prolonged Adolescence." We are so set in our youthful ways, and that may not be such a great thing all the time.

This rant is brought to you after watching James McMurtry do the song "Peter Pan." By the way, James LIVES in the telling of his songs. The intensity comes as if he is looking out of the mask of the biopic contained within. It is remarkable to have the Music Fog cameras be close enough to see the embodiment. The hopelessness. The desperation.

Have I told you this month how much I love James McMurtry, what a master I think he is? Have you checked out his blog? His latest is called Catfish. Plus, there are not to miss tour dates, and the latest album is Live In Europe. He was live in Austin for the Music Fog showcase in March, at Threadgill's. The song "Peter Pan" is from his 2006 CD It Had To Happen.

- Jessie Scott

