Music Fog

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The Fog Goes Kickstarter - You Can Help

Contribution LinkAll the cool kids are doing it these days. In these tough times, it has become the norm to go directly to the audience to fund projects. Today, Music Fog joins the ranks of the Kickstarter generation. We love what we do. Getting to shine a light on underdog artists has been our mission for the last three years. We are proud of what we have created, and honored that such amazing artists have shared their talent with us. The Americana genre, though not considered mainstream, might just have the highest per capita amount of genius, per virtual square foot of its landscape.

We really want to do another Music Fog Marathon at Threadgill’s WHQ this March in Austin. And we really need your help to do it this time around. We need to cover both travel expenses along with production and streaming costs. If you have enjoyed our videos, we ask that you contribute what you can here. We have several levels of participation, and every bit helps. If we are going to make our way down to Texas, time is of the essence. So is going viral. If you dig what we do, help us out, both with dollars and by spreading the word to other Americana or Music Fog fans. If we make the nut, expect us to be streaming from the back room at Threadgill’s, so even if you are not in Austin, you will be able to share in the fun. Here is our Kickstarter video. (mobile users click here to watch the video)

-Jessie Scott