Deadman "If I Lay Down In The River"
Life is pretty strange. When I was out west earlier this year with John Bohlinger, one of the folks that was sharing the stage with him was Claudia Williams from the legendary western outfit Montana Rose. Tuesday night I went to see her daughter Tessy Lou Williams with her band at the Saxon Pub for Happy Hour. She sings, how do we say, like clear mountain water, and it has an old school feel, but it is modern at the same time. Mighty sweet stuff. Ran into a couple of the guys from Deadman in the back room, and they were regaling me with tales of listening to the new stuff they are working on for the forthcoming album. Austin, It’s a contact sport.
We taped Deadman at Threadgill’s in March during the Music Fog Marathon. There were very happy that we didn’t squawk when all six of them piled into our tiny stage. They are Steven Collins on lead vocals and guitar, Kevin McCollough on guitar and backing vocals, Jacob Hildebrand on lead guitar, Matthew Mollica on keyboards and accordion, Kyle Schneider on drums, Lonnie Trevino Jr. on bass. There is quite the buzz here in Austin on them; their shows are celestial events. To wit, we offer this song, "If I Lay Down In The River."
-Jessie Scott