Bonnie Whitmore "Embers To Ashes"
It has been a delicious week of music. Today is a treat from Bonnie Whitmore, with her sister Eleanor and Eleanor’s significant other, guitar virtuoso Chris Masterson. Pure fun. Meantime, now I am reading Bonnie’s blog, and she bakes! We were too busy to read it before SXSW, and so until now, I did not know she made cookies while she was here in Austin during SXSW. I am sure by the time we saw them on Saturday, the baked goods were long gone, but they sure look tantalizing.
Bonnie is not a stranger to our cameras, as she duets with Hayes Carll in the Music Fog version of “Another Like You.” On her own project she spins honey in the funk, but dig deeper and you will find that there is a body count on her album! As she says, “Nothing says ‘go to hell’ better than an uptempo, catchy song!” Actually the album has an arc: boy meets girl, the breakup, and then the post script. It is called Embers to Ashes, which just about says it all. Today, we bring you the title track from the Music Fog Marathon in March at Threadgill’s WHQ.
-Jessie Scott