Music Fog

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David Olney & Sergio Webb "If I Were You"

Ain’t no telling what you will find when you start looking at the internets. I wanted to hear the lyrics to today’s song, so I could write about it. Oh, it is “If I Were You” from David Olney and Sergio Webb. First I tried those hoser lyric sites, you know, the ones that immediately want to sell you the ring tone, and tease you into believing that they have the lyrics, but then they don’t? And then I found some TV appearance, with the obligatory straight, non-hip, overdressed anchorwoman asking all the wrong questions with all the wrong attitude. When is TV going to realize that a pretty face is not enough? When is television going to be dragged kicking and screaming into this century? They are losing audience for a reason. But I shouldn’t complain, as they gave airtime to David Olney and Sergio Webb, and that counts for something in my book!

You will find David Olney plying his abundant craft on the web; unedited, direct and unexpected on his “Hear & Now” series on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST. David comments on what’s going on in the world, and performs. Sometimes it is even a brand new song that was just written that day. You can post comments and questions while he is webcasting, if you become a member of Ustream.

We filmed David and Sergio at last year’s Folk Alliance in Memphis up on the Music Fog bus. Sergio Webb provides a beautiful lace to David Olney’s tapestry. You won’t find a more beautiful song. “If I Were You,” wistful, yearning, resigned.

- Jessie Scott

If I Were You - Dutchman's Curve