Music Fog

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Annie & The Beekeepers "Come On"

Mercury is retrograde. Whatever that means. The Cliff Notes version is that travel plans and communications can go awry. (Are Cliff Notes even necessary in a web enabled world?) The best laid plans, ya know? So you see, there was this tropical storm, which got to be a named hurricane at the eleventh hour, Hermine, pronounced her-Meen'. Ever heard that name before? Well me either! All I know is "Houston, we have a problem." Denise and I were on our way to Nashville, but we are connecting through Denver. It was either that or Orlando. Oh well. Hanging in the gate, we ran into Cody and Willy Braun, who are going to sing the national anthem at the Rockies' ballgame on Thursday! Nice. I have fond recollections of last year's Americana Fest, going shopping at Manuel's with Cody. Fun.

Nashville is where we are headed, if Hermine cooperates. Last year's trip was full of spectacular moments, among them meeting Annie and The Beekeepers. They came aboard the Music Fog bus late one night and made magic. We had no idea that we would be capturing lightning in a bottle. They're not making the trip to Nashville this year, because they're on their way to the UK to play the End of the Road Festival. In their absence, enjoy this video, "Come On," an unreleased, exclusive track from our Threadgill's video extravaganza in March. We wish them a great time at the festival, and a safe trip, with no hurricane-related delays.

- Jessie Scott
