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Dustin Welch "St. Lucy's Eyes"

Dustin Welch is cooking, conjuring and conceptualizing again. In addition to always moving the ball down the field, too. You just can't pin him down. His music is meant to be configured differently all the time, he is always changing it up in mercurial fashion, interested by different flavors, taking his cue from what the particular song is telling him. There is new music on the horizon from him, packaged imaginatively, beautifully, simply, in a brown paper bag. He is also involved in a new project playing around Austin, the group SAMHILL that you will be hearing about and from. And on June 10th, Dustin is heading up to the Steel Bridge Song Fest in Sturgeon Bay, WI. Ack! I just remembered I promised to be his wheelman for that! ROAD TRIP!

We Music Foggers got to hang out with Dustin again at the Cherokee Creek Music Festival, as he was accompanying his dad, Kevin Welch, on stage. We grabbed him for a solo session on the bus and he ended with this song, written with Micky Braun, about Saint Lucy, the patron saint of those who are blind. "St. Lucy's Eyes."

- Jessie Scott

Dustin Welch