Music Fog

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Kristi Rose & Fats Kaplin "Rise and Shine"

I was grounded in New York a couple of days ago, due to downed wires on the tracks of the Northeast Corridor Amtrak. After a magical day of everything being possible the day before, suddenly nothing was happening. Though, getting back to New York City is always such a treat. Visiting with folks near and dear to me; hanging, eating, laughing, walking, listening to music, looking at the architecture. Seeing what people can accomplish by working together, it is a awe-inspiring thing. I was in no hurry, so I got to stay and take in more!

Photo Credit: Baxter BuckAnd, because it is New York, there is always a flourish, a sense of the dramatic. A touch of the show biz permeates everything, from the buskers playing music in the subway, to the people pressing hand bill ads on you in Times Square. It's THEATRE! I am reminded of the SNL Master Thespian bit with Jon Lovitz from a couple of decades ago!

Though they live in Nashville, there is a touch of New York drama to the music of Kristi Rose and Fats Kaplin. Fats is actually from New York, and Kristi, let's just say she is a citizen of the world! Funny how many times I have crossed parties with them in far flung cities this year. And it was so terrific to have had them come aboard the Music Fog bus in Memphis this past year during Folk Alliance. (The dates for the upcoming 2011 conference have been announced, too.)

Kristi and Fats have just released a new CD for the winter season, I Wonder As I Wander. But today we bring you a song that Kristi originally featured with The Handsome Strangers. Here's the Music Fog version with Fats Kaplin!

- Jessie Scott

Rise and Shine - Nashville, The Other Side of the Alley - Insurgent Country, Vol. 3