Music Fog

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Fog Report: Memphis Out!

We’re on our way out of town today. Back to the east coast with lots more video of some incredible players and performers. We will post all of it over the next week as we catch up with ourselves. There was a lot of laughter & many moments that are worth sharing. We certainly don’t want to be selfish, and have promised full disclosure with Music Fog followers. So here we go. Call it the…dot...column…


The Nadas The Nadas…Tech saavy guys. The poor bastards own Meatloaf’s old tour bus. They have since abandoned the rusty hulk and are back on the road in a van. Really love these guys for who they are. And they have volunteered to design a Music Fog audio logo for us. Hope we hate it at first…cause that means we will really like it later. Right?

Jimmy LaFave…Damn! Jimmy’s trick is this...He just doesn’t give a shit. That’s what makes him so great. However, he surprised us with a technical challenge…an accordion. It was really scary at first. But when Radoslav Lorkovic (the accordion player) informed us that he didn’t need any stink’n tuner...we knew everything was OK…

Diana Jones...Beans told her she was “baked." Diana shot back: “fried, never baked." She continued: "And oh by the way, give me a shot of that Templeton Rye. I need it to keep my voice in top shape. Can I take it with me to my room?”

Ray Wylie Hubbard…After touring the Music Fog bus and seeing the tiled shower with the built-in flat screen TV and the disco lights on the ceiling, he commented to Jessie, “who do you think you are – Beyonce?”


Steve Poltz Steve Poltz…Christ-on-a-pony, this guy is whacked. Yes, the man who (among other accomplishments) wrote the song “Handjob On A Church Bus,” made a few surreal stops by the Music Fog bus over the last few days. His antics included spontaneously inventing a song called “I Want A Debutant For Christmas,” to showing us a YouTube video of him running around like a crazy person in his underwear. Steve, you are always welcome in our bus…


Carrie Elkin Carrie Elkin…You were a true trooper during your solo visit to the bus. Thanks for not calling the cops when our creepy camera guy groped your boots with his lens. Yeah...sometimes it looks like we’re just making a cheap porn. Also Carrie, thanks for breaking up “Sausage Fest 2009.” It was nice to finally get a broad up in here…


Bob Cheevers...Thanks for showing up with your glowing smile, silky long hair, and creepy granny panties. Seriously, we’ll buy you a proper rag if you need one. When he stepped on the bus, Beans said, “This is the kind of guy that could die in a freak ballooning accident.” At the end of the day, Cheevers is tops in our book. After all, he did take a dump in Elvis’ house once…


Phil Lee Phil Lee…Like Matt Damon on the Kimmel show, we had to keep delaying his appearance throughout the day. He kept it together, and finally, finally, got to perform on the opulent Celebrity Coach. He performed two songs for us: 25 Mexicans, and A Night In The Box. We are assuming these are two scenarios he is deathly afraid of (budda’ bing!)…


Tisha Simeral…You could buy a replacement liver for what this woman spent on her 13-foot-tall upright bass. Seriouly, when she set it on the floor after playing it, it had snow on the head. Why did she decide to dedicate her life to this freakishly-large instrument? As she put it: “Nobody wanted a clarinet in a rock band.” What? You never heard of Weird Al? I’m sure he’d take one…

Scott Walterman Scott Walterman...Who is this guy? Well, we used to work with him and he’s an awesome creep. This man was born in a suit and loves his meat raw. His name kept coming up in conversation so we decided to include him here. No reason really…


Celebrity Coaches…If it weren’t for the generosity and support of Blake Olson and the gang, we would have had our guests performing in the Music Fog “Station Wagon” instead of “Celebrity Coach.” Seriously, you guys made us look damned legitimate and for that we say “many thanks!” One more thing Blake…we owe you a sincere apology for the creepy stain in Beans’ bunk…

Goodnight, and God bless…


-Beans & Ben