Music Fog

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"I Done Went And Joined The Army"

Ben Chicken Truck The creepist guy to have ever picked up a Music Fog camera done went and joined the Army. I ship out to Basic Combat Training on October 26th (Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri) and I have to admit that I'm shittin' bricks. I have no idea what to expect, nor if my body will withstand the physical abuse I'm about to administer. Be that as it may, I just feel like this is something I'm being called to do. Somebodys gotta do it, right?

At this point you're probably asking yourself, "Who is this guy and why does he think we care if he's going into the Army?!" I don't blame you. My name is Ben Krech. Jessie Scott, Jim McBean and I are the ones who started this site ten months ago with the hopes of filling a void in the Americana scene: the one that Sirius/XM left behind when they canned Jessie and blew up the channel known as "X Country." We all had this thought that if we recorded a bunch of videos of great Americana artists that people might just want to watch them. Luckily you did! And with the current MF crew, we'll hopefully have years of great music to come. I'll definately be watching wherever I end up.

Anyway, as I say goodbye to this crazy venture I'd like to say a few things to the folks who got it all started:

Jessie Scott. We've been hunting down Americana artists together for a decade and it's always been a blast. If it were not for you, myself--and a ton of other folks--might not have ever connected with this wonderful form of music. You seriously changed the way I look at music and for that I'll be forever greatful. Also...nobody on earth looks better in a pair of purple snake-skin boots than you!

Jim McBean. You are a creepy old bastard and one of the best friends I've ever had. We've traveled the world together. I can't recall how many times you've saved my ass over the years but I'm sure it's been plenty. I hope that you never ask me to repay you someday, as I'm not sure I'll ever have that kind of time.

Aaron Lee. You're also one of those bizzare dudes that floats into someone's life, does them a bunch of favors, then disappears. I hope you continue to provide "The Fog" with the best audio I've ever heard. I wish you many safe "trucker showers" in the years to come!

"Gopher" Sheila. You are the only person in the Music Fog entourage that doesn't look like either a sex offender or a serial killer. Do you think it's a coincidence that we always have you dealing directly with the artists? Promise me that you'll do another "Gondola Concert Series" in Steamboat this year. You are the best intern ever. Love ya' kid!

The Artists. You folks are involved in what I believe to be the next great genre of American Music. Keep playin', and keep changing lives.

The fans. You folks know that this isn't just music, it's a way of life. It's a religion of sorts. And you have always been it's biggest preachers! Thank you.

Anyway, I have to go do push-ups and to y'all later!


Pvt. Ben Krech
United States Army